microsoft ignite mesh

Microsoft Mesh Avatars At Ignite 2022 – Teams

As Microsoft is gowing rapidly and now hardly working to build the metaverse technology of their own and off its Ignite 2022 conference this morning, the company detailed several updates coming to Microsoft Teams, which remains one of the fastest-growing apps within the Microsoft 365 ecosystem ( one of the worlds largest working solutions at one place). Microsoft said the app is still gaining significant traction this year and will improve the current platform they have to match it with the VR and AR space.

Connecting to Team Avatars

The all new Microsoft technology will provide users with the first metaverse experience launched now for general customers, without any camera. Users can choose their favorite avatar for their special occasion and for any particular situation.

Users on Teams can add the Mesh App from their home screen, or they can develop their own Mesh apps in meetings using a builder platform. Using the Mesh avatar builder, you can edit your avatars.

Participants can then choose their avatars to use in meetings, along with backgrounds similar to regular Teams meetings. The new option provides us more “personal, engaging, and fun” interactions, with Microsoft adding mood toggles and camera angle adjustments and over 800 emojis to react to messages.

How to use Mesh Avatars

Teams users can use the Avatars application, which can be easily found inside the Microsoft Teams App Store, to design up to three unique fully customizable avatars.

According to Microsoft, there are hundreds of customization options which include accessories, physical attributes, Avatars and more.

Once a personalised avatar get created, it can be used in a Microsoft Teams meeting by selecting the option from the “effects and avatars” menu before joining the meeting as simple as that.

Once in the meeting, users can choose from a wide range of gestures to react to different topics.

Why Avatar not You in the Meetings?

Still there is a major segment of users thinking about why they need Avatars in Meetings not them showing thier face. This is mainly because of the growing users base want to present themself into a virtual world but not themself but an image of themself as a representator. The whole aim of Microsoft Avatars is to help people attend meetings the boundaries that people with anxiety and phobias about social interaction face when trying to operate effectively in a corporate environment.


We have gotten to know about the Microsoft ignite mesh update, Please share this article with your friends and comment down below if you have any questions.

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